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The World’s Most Unique Scenic Flight


Welcome to Antarctica – the world’s last great wilderness. For 30 years, our privately chartered flights have led the way in providing

close-up encounters with the white continent.

Enjoy unparalleled views of the icy landscape aboard the ultra-modern 787 Dreamliner.

30 Years of Antarctica Flights

We have been exploring Antarctica by air since 1994 - that's over 150 flights and 30 years pioneering a land that remains almost entirely undiscovered.  Aboard a cruise ship you would only touch the edge of the coast. Aboard our privately chartered plane you will soar over a continent that escapes the boundaries of perception. 

Antarctica In A Day

Become one of the few to witness the desolate beauty of this untamed polar landscape. Aboard our privately chartered aircraft you will experience unparalleled Antarctic viewing, with up to 4 hours over the white continent. With 19 different routes, no two flights are ever the same. 

What To Expect

Seating & Pricing

Our Commitment to the Environment

It’s our mission to leave this pristine landscape the way we found it. That’s why every Antarctica Flight is carbon offset. We are also pleased to support the Antarctic Science Foundation, an international charity investing in Antarctic research to better understand and protect the region and the planet from climate change. Inspired by their Antarctic experience, many of our guests go on to become environmental ambassadors. 

Learn More